About Blog and Author

Blog:   For some, corporate responsibility has become an oxymoron.  For others, it remains at best a late 20th century amenity and certainly not an essential like quarterly profits, operating efficiency, and shareholder return.  However, for companies to be on the leading edge, thinking and acting responsibly is not a luxury.  Nor is being responsible incompatible with important pieces like profitability, efficiency and positive returns on investment.  In fact, responsible corporate leadership is another vital piece on the path to long-term, sustainable success. 

This blog will explore the many ways gains in all of these dimensions are increasingly linked and demonstrate that injecting responsible leadership into the organizational puzzle is not the exclusive domain of those at the top.  So,  the real question for enterprises, large and small, is not whether or not to pursue corporate responsibility but how best to gain competitive advantages from this 21st century collection of essential pieces to the business puzzle.

Brooks_color_2003Author:  Bruce Brooks, author of The Missing Piece, has spent the last 15 years helping organizations navigate in, around, and through the intersection of the private, public, and nonprofit sectors.  Whether in his role as a senior executive for a financial services company, a global corporate philanthropist for a Fortune 100 company, a high-ranking government official for a major US city, or a board leader of local and multi-state nonprofit organizations, Bruce consistently has sought ways to empower internal and external stakeholders to choose responsible paths in defining and achieving their objectives.  Foremost among those ways has been a relentless effort to reduce organizational silos and employ a holistic approach integrating aspects of corporate responsibility across the enterprise.  Buttressing these experiences with the training and insights that come with an MBA and being a trial lawyer for more than a decade, Bruce seeks to go beyond commentary and offer solutions-oriented advocacy that fills in the missing piece.

One response to “About Blog and Author

  1. Karl Stauber


    Great blog. I will share this with my networks.

    Hope you are well.

    Best, Karl

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